Monday 22 July 2024

Release of the MultiModX First Industry Board Feedback Report

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The Integrated Passenger-Centric Planning of Multimodal Transport Networks (MultiModX project) has released its first Industry Board Feedback Report, which marks an important milestone towards enhancing multimodal transport networks. This report is now available on the project’s official website at

In line with the objectives of the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, the MultiModX project aims to foster seamless integration and coordination between air and rail networks, prioritising a passenger-centric approach. The feedback report encapsulates the insights and recommendations collected from the first Industry Board meeting, held on 20 February 2024 at the International Union of Railways (UIC) headquarters in Paris.

The Industry Board, consisting of experts from the aviation, railway, and transport industries, as well as global distribution system (GDS) organisations and the scientific community, plays a critical role in guiding the MultiModX project. Their expertise is vital for assessing project results, validating models and frameworks, and evaluating key performance indicators (KPIs). The board’s engagement with policymakers, transport experts, and industry representatives ensures a comprehensive and robust development process for MultiModX solutions.

The report concludes with a synthesis of the insights gained from the discussions, proposing solutions for enhancing air-rail cooperation and aligning schedules to optimise the passenger experience. The feedback gathered from Industry Board members is instrumental in shaping the future direction of the MultiModX project.

By publishing this feedback report, MultiModX aims to facilitate continuous consultation and cooperation among its stakeholders, ensuring that innovative solutions reach the subsequent research and innovation stages. The comprehensive feedback and expert insights documented in this report are expected to significantly impact the development and validation of passenger-centric multimodal transport networks.

For a detailed overview of the discussions and insights from the Industry Board meeting, the complete report is accessible at

The MultiModX project is available on social media; follow us on Twitter @MultiModX_eu and LinkedIn. Our website will soon be live, and more information is available on the SESAR website.

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