Tuesday 4 May 2010
International Training

SIAFInternational 2010: First session (Interactive Sessions on International Rail Activities)

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The first session of SIAFI 2010, held at UIC headquarters, Paris from 26 – 30 April was attended by young managers of 13 nationalities, from 15 different Railway Undertakings, Infrastructure Managers and Manufacturers, thus covering virtually all sectors of railway activities.

The varied backgrounds and competences of the audience together with the experience of participants helped facilitate rich and fruitful exchanges, debates and discussion.

The first day of SIAFI brought together some major international railway stakeholders and partners – UIC, the World Bank, UNECE, CER, EIM, UNIFE and ERA – in a round table discussion about their respective missions and vision for their activities.
The second day saw participants become acquainted with the latest developments in international rail transport law.
Over the rest of the week attendees had the opportunity to gain a good insight into the trends and perspectives of the European rail network, the lines of action for European freight activities, as well as the main cooperative technical and research ventures at UIC.

Other railway activities (Passengers, Sustainable development, International corridors, High speed, etc.) will be covered during the second SIAFI session next autumn (27.09-01.10.2010).

The networking activity and cross-cultural learning experience through team work that took place throughout the week concluded with a formal session on the management of international projects and the intercultural dimension.
Reflection on the cross cultural cooperation is part of the team project’s assignment and will result in a feedback session in September.

The projects that were finally selected by the participants are as follows:

  • Exploiting the advantages of the other modes of transport
  • Improve railway reliability during winter periods
  • Green miles: a bonus system that encourages and awards travel by train
  • Forecasting future rail passenger services: market prospection

The teams will continue working between the 2 sessions and results will be delivered at the second SIAFI session this autumn (27.09 -01.10.2010)

SIAFI is an annual program

For more information please contact Nathalie Amirault, Head of Expertise Development: amirault at uic.org

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The active networking of the SIAFI first week session fostered a truly global learning experience for the 13 nationalities of the SIAFI 2010 edition
Team project group “Improve the railways’ reliability in Winter period”
Team project group “Green miles”