Thursday 6 October 2011
Expertise Development

Third meeting of the RAILVET (Railway Operation in ECVET) project financed by the European Commission

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The third meeting of the RAILVET (Railway Operation in The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) project took place at UIC Headquarters, on 29 and 30 September 2011.

RAILVET is a project which is supported by the European Union Leonardo da Vinci Programme (LLP).

The project is coordinated by the Turkish Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Technical Education for Boys – ETOGM in partnership with:

  • UIC
  • TCDD – Turkish State Railways (Turkey)
  • HAK-IS – Turkish Trade Union (Turkey)
  • NUOV – The National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education (Czech Republic)
  • AIMM – Maritime Academy (Italy)
  • ITN – Nautical School “SAN GIORGIO” (Italy)
  • FVETS – Foundation For Vocational Education and Training Services (Slovakia)

The purpose of the RAILVET project is twofold:

  • To develop a railway curriculum frame for the “operation” job family, based on the frame developed in a previous European project entitled “DEPRAST” ( and to include logistics and train traffic (integrating combined transport)
  • To adapt the frame training modules to ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training)

The project aims to develop an innovative curriculum (minimum core qualifications) for vocational training in “railway operation” job family, namely for the following three groups of railway staff, involved in cross-border operations:

  • Onboard staff responsible for train and passenger safety (except for train drivers)
  • Staff responsible for assembling trains
  • Staff responsible for dispatching and control-command

The purpose is to integrate core competences for inter-module, multi-module and combined transportation into the curriculum, and eventually adapt it to the ECVET system for recognition, transfer and certification of qualifications of the railway staff in this job family, acquired through formal, non formal and informal education and training.

The curriculum frame is for formal and non formal vocational and technical schools at secondary level, and corresponds to the fourth level of the European Qualification Framework (EQF).

The meeting in Paris was the occasion to review the draft curriculum developed by TCCD and ETOGM, as well as review the first comments sent to the current partnership by external experts from Rail Training Centres of Finland, Germany, UK, Spain and Austria.
Further information about RAILVET

For more information please contact Nathalie Amirault:

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