Tuesday 5 June 2012

RZD joins UIC Terminology Group

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UIC is happy to announce that RZD has decided to become a member of the UIC Terminology Group. The Terminology Group is the UIC body in charge of the organisation and translation of the RailLexic database which comprises 22 languages at present. Correspondents from more than 20 Member railway companies meet once a year to report on progress made and to define future priorities.

The Russian translation of RailLexic started in 1994 with BC, the Belarusian Railway administration, which was joined two years later by CNIITEI, the Russian Institute for technical and scientific information and studies, RZD not yet a member of UIC. From now on, RZD representatives will update the Russian language in the RailLexic terminology database.

Since RZD decided to take actively part in the Terminology Group, a workshop was organised at the end of April 2012 in Moscow to demonstrate the use of the new web-based tool destined for the input of terms. The UIC terminologist gave a detailed overview of all the functionalities and features of the web-based interface for terminology input. This tool, exclusively created for the Terminology Group Members, is a big step forward in terminology cooperation since any changes and new terms can be seen in real time. RZD representatives present at the meeting welcomed the new tool which will make it easier to coordinate the translation, updating and revision of Russian railway terminology in RailLexic. They were looking forward to putting the new tool to use and to participating in the next Terminology Group Meeting planned at PKP headquarters in Warsaw in October 2012.

For more information please contact Rosalinde Taucher, UIC Terminologist: taucher at uic.org or
go to http://www.uic.org/terminology

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From left to right: Andrei Sergeev, Head of division – cooperation with UIC, International Cooperation Department, Rosalinde Taucher, UIC Terminologist and Elena Druzhinina, Head of division of automated systems and databases development, Center of Scientific and Technical Information