Tuesday 14 January 2014
Relations with International organisations

UIC meets newly-appointed ECOSOC President Martin Sajdik

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As part of the work carried out by the Operating Working Groups organised by the United Nations in New York during the week of 8 January, UIC Director General Jean-Pierre Loubinoux had the opportunity to meet Mr Martin Sajdik, Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations and the next President of ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council).

To this end they held discussions on the role and the work that have already been undertaken by UIC within several of ECOSOC’s thematic and geographic units, notably on the issue of corridors, security and sustainable development.

Mr Loubinoux was able to inform Mr Sajdik of the wish on the part of UIC members expressed at the last General Assembly in Paris to consolidate UIC’s observer status at ECOSOC in order to ensure greater participation in the various projects and work.

Mr Sajdik considered this request very carefully, which is running its normal course within the United Nations. Mr Loubinoux also renewed his invitation to Mr Sajdik – as he had done previously with Mr Osorio – to attend the various UIC General Assemblies to deliver a message, as well as the economic and social vision that transport – particularly railway transport – can forge within modern economies, and the role that UIC can play in this context.

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