Tuesday 14 October 2014
Youth / Management

8th Annual Youth Conference of Russian Railways: Important Role played by Youth

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Russian Railways (RZD) held their 8th Annual Youth Meeting from 26 September to 2 October 2014 in Moscow.

Representatives of young talented employees of RZD, managers and government authorities attended this event. During the conference several presentations were given by the international section about the work of the respective companies and their evolving projects. The section was represented by 22 delegations from Europe, Asia and North America, consisting of young participants of international railway companies.

Giving his speech in the Opening Ceremony Nicola Lelli, representing UIC at the event and Advisor in the Freight Department, explained the work of UIC, which unites railway companies and operators under the leadership of Mr Loubinoux. He underlined the importance of comparing, sharing and developing ideas in order to find out best practices for each single subject and to create new strong international links between the young professionals who will be the future management of the railway world.

In the course of the week, the young international professionals met several representatives of Russian Railways’ Top Management and participated in the television programme “Honest Conversation” in which RZD employees and international representatives had the opportunity to ask their questions overtly to Russian Railway President Mr Yakunin.

During these debates much was said about the RZD youth policy and its complex education programme, the need for integration between world logistics systems and the importance of developing international corridors, the significance of which becomes more and more important each day within the context of globalisation. Representatives from many countries talked about the importance of working with youth, opportunities for personal and professional development presented by exchange of working experience, foreign exchanges, training and education as well as supporting the youth initiative.

The Closing Ceremony was the location where the young RZD representatives, who presented their new projects describing new trends and developments, were awarded by RZD Top Management. This programme allows young talented workers to improve their qualifications and successfully work in the railway field.

Today, when many new transport systems and corridors are being created, cooperation with international companies is of greater importance, while the role of company representatives in the conference is of vital importance in creating international communication among youth.

This week was also an opportunity for the participants from the railway community to experience their team spirit within an international framework, to know more about each other, to learn more from each other, to form and strengthen connections, and to be informed about the actions currently promoted by UIC Director General Loubinoux for the young employees of the railway community. In that sense, the secondment opportunities at UIC Headquarters in Paris, the “Talent Project” aiming to keep young professionals skilled and connected at international level, caught their interest and shall lead to more demand in this area in future.

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