Tuesday 14 October 2014

D-RAIL is holding its final seminar on 12 November 2014 in Stockholm

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UIC, the University of Newcastle and Trafikverket are pleased to invite you to the final seminar of the D-RAIL project “Reduction of Derailments in Europe” that will be held in Stockholm on 12 November 2014.

Launched in October 2011, D-RAIL is a three-year collaborative R&D project co-funded by the European Commission under its 7th Framework Programme.
D-RAIL is mainly focused on freight traffic. Its main objective has been to identify the root causes of derailment of particular economic and safety significance.

Programme highlights:

Following the “key note” addresses, the European Railway Agency (ERA) will present its views on the latest development and activities to reduce derailments.
The programme will then address the following topics that were dealt with in the D-RAIL project, such as:

  • Economic impact of freight train derailments
  • Analysis, modelling and simulation techniques for derailment investigation
  • Concepts and techniques to prevent derailment
  • Integration of monitoring and supervision systems at European level
  • Technical and economical assessment of key findings

It will also include an example of an initiative to reduce derailments in a cost-efficient way, namely the HRMS project.

Ample time will be devoted to discussion and networking between the speakers and the participants.


  • The meeting will start at 9.00 and end at 17.00;
  • Participation in this event is free of charge;
  • Participants need to arrange their own accommodation and travel costs.

Programme, online registration and other useful information:

All information is available here http://www.uic.org/forms/spip.php?article1465

We look forward to meeting you in Stockholm on 12 November!

To know more about the D-RAIL project, visit us at http://www.d-rail-project.eu/ or contact bjorn.paulsson at trafikverket.se or pat.scott at newcastle.ac.uk

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