Tuesday 7 June 2016

PRISM Project Board Meeting held on 3 June 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia

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The board of the PRISM Project Board met in Zagreb on 3 June at the HZPP headquarters. Those members who were not able to be present at the meeting were invited to join it through a video conference. Chris Querée chaired the meeting, and Luis Casado represented UIC HQ.

The PRISM project was launched one year ago to explore the possibilities of implementing a ticketing system for international travel that can be useful for different companies. Discussions focused on security in systems, security in data, interrelationships between security in systems and security in data exchange and the possible development of an e-wallet within the context of this project.

In addition, the chairmen of the TAG-MD, TLG (Ticketing Layout Group) and TSG (Ticketing Security Group) reported on the activity of their working groups, given that they are related to the main targets of the PRISM project.

Peter Maleux (SNCB/NMBS) reported on the progress of the pilot project that is currently ongoing between his company, NS and THALYS. The activities of the second pilot project (ÖBB, SJ, HZZP) was reported on by Gebhard Möser from Austrian Railways and Marin Curavic, host of the meeting, Finally, there was a brief report by Evelin Skeppstrom (LINKON) regarding the first steps they are taking in this field.

The next meeting of the Project Board will take place in the Netherlands on 20 October 2016. Those members who may not been able to be present at the meeting will be invited to join it through a video conference.

For further information please contact Luis Casado Presa, Senior Advisor Passenger Department:


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