Tuesday 20 March 2018

Station Managers’ Global Group (SMGG) met on 12 and 13 March in Paris, France at the Gare & Connexions (Stations & Connections) Office

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For the first meeting of the year, UIC was pleased to invite new members from Italy and Germany and hopes to welcome more for future meetings. A dynamic team is working within the SMGG in order to support the Long-Term Development for Railway Station (LTDRS). On this occasion, UIC was represented by Marc Guigon, Director of the Passenger Department, and Clément Gautier, Project Manager for LTDRS.

First point, related to SMGG’s latest work: Information in-station is the first document from the new generation of UIC documents. It will be turn into an International Railway Solution. Henceforth, this document will be shared with the different UIC platforms in order to take into consideration all the remarks of the UIC members to produce the best possible document. For information, the working body has three weeks to compile a comments table and make a proposal to manage each comment and circulate it to SMGG to agree on action.

The long-term development for railway stations was launched by Carlos Ventura, chairman of the group and will start with a benchmark on quality assessment. This first step of the project will extend over one year under the management of RZD by Ekaterina Kozyreva supported by Clément Gautier from UIC.

But what does quality assessment mean? First, we must look at how to match current performance (process, service) to the standards and demands indicated in official documents. Then match the current performance to the requirements of customers. Quality assessment is a variety of operations allowing to compare current performance to the basic one.

Regarding technical visits, Gare & Connexions invited SMGG members to understand the Austerlitz refurbishment project. This station is going to improve the customer experience. This visit was conducted under the direction of the Austerlitz Station Manager, Dariush Kowsar. The second technical visit focused on the retail activities of Saint Lazare Station under the direction of Emmanuelle Chailley, Saint Lazare Station Manager.

A few words about the 14th Training on High Speed Systems. The UIC Passenger Department will host the annual training for UIC members in Paris from 23 – 28 April. Wednesday will be dedicated to the railway station theme. So if you are interested in attending at this event, please contact the email address below.

Special thanks to Fabrice Morenon and his team for welcoming the working group.

For further information please contact Clément Gautier, Project Manager – Passenger Department, Station and Intermodal Hubs:

gautier at uic.org

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