Tuesday 7 April 2020

UIC is pleased to present the findings of its study through a film on the development of Eurasian corridors

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UIC is pleased to present the findings of its study on the development of Eurasian corridors.

Jointly undertaken with the Infrastructure Economics Centre based in Moscow and Paris, the study addresses:

  • first, the major changes that have occurred in the last few years on the Northern routes;
  • second, a volume forecast until 2030;
  • and, finally, an analysis of the demand for rail freight transport in relation to Chinese subsidies, digitalisation of processes, border crossing improvements and transit speed.

While releasing this study during this difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic appears to be challenging, UIC remains convinced that international rail freight lines are the solution for a lot of countries. More broadly, developing a more broad sustainable network of rail roads between the different countries of Europe and Asia will be the solution for achieving fair and sustainable trade.

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