Tuesday 25 September 2018

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies team meeting held on 17 September 2018 in Munich

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UIC was invited to take part in the Hyperloop transportation Technologies team meeting organised by TUV SUD AG on 17 September in Munich. The meeting was attended by Mr Dirk Ahlborn co-founder and CEO representing Hyperloop Transportation Technologies; Christian Hoft representing Munich Re (insurance framework and future commercial systems) and Ferdinand Neuwieser and others representing TUV SUD AG (first set of safety requirements and certification guidelines). The hazard and safety risk assessment were developed by TUV SUD in the form of a guide which constitutes a base for further regulations and standardisation.

Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General, was represented by Jerzy Wisniewski, Director of the Fundamental Values Department. Mr Wisniewski apologised for the absence of Mr Loubinoux confirmed UIC’s involvement in the project especially in aspects of safety and security and technical standardisation. He extended thanks from Jean-Pierre Loubinoux to the Hyperloop TT CEO for agreeing to attend UIC HQ in Paris from 6 – 7 December.

About 40 participants had the opportunity to be briefed on the project’s progress report which was started in 2013.

The involvement of worldwide industries, R&D providers, academia and transport associations brought promising results.

Achievements to date: 39 patents and 56 trademarks, several dozen governmental agreements around the world, about 1000 experts work on the project development and more than 40 corporate partners.

Today the technology is ready to be demonstrated. In March 2019 the first Hyperloop test will take place on the 300-metre track at the Saint Exupéry IRT Research Institute of Technology.

For further information please contact Jerzy Wisniewski, Director of the Fundamental Values Department:

wisniewski at uic.org

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