Tuesday 4 April 2023

Promote awareness of railway noise: Technical reports issued by the UIC Noise and Vibration Sector

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Two preliminary analyses have been completed as part of the NOVITÀ project initiated by the UIC Noise Vibration Sector in 2021. To provide a critical analysis from the railway perspective, trends were identified to address the “nuisance and health impact of railway noise” and “noise from parked and stationary trains”.

Under the guidance of NOVITA global members and in particular through the contracts signed with ATKINS and VibraTec to carry out these important studies, UIC announced the two public reports at the #UICRailwayNoiseDays. The reports can be downloaded from the links below and the presentations from VibraTec and Atkins can be watched on the #sustainabilityactionweek YouTube playlist. Here it is possible to find short interviews with Louise Morris and Martin Rissmann on the reports they have compiled.

Louise Morris, from ATKINS, described the importance of “Nuisance and Health Impact of Railway Noise” as

To be good neighbours to local communities, it is important that railway infrastructure managers and operators understand the nuisance and health impacts of railways in order to implement effective noise management practices. This study shares some interesting insights into the existing research base on health effects, noise indicators, global annoyance curves, the psychology of complaint generation and the current situation on European railways.

  • Nuisance and Health Impact of Railway Noise: link
  • Louise Morris’ report presentation: link

Martin Rissmann, from VibraTec on “Noise from parked and stationary trains

This report, as well as the constructive discussions at the UIC Noise Days, represents an important step to draw the attention towards lineside residents and their situation. This report highlights the importance of international and joint efforts for all involved stakeholders to tackle parked and stationary trains.

  • Noise from parked and stationary trains: an analysis of operational and technical solutions: link
  • Martin Rissmann report presentation: link

For further information, please contact noisevibration@uic.org

or Pinar Yilmazer at yilmazer@uic.org

and Lorenzo Franzoni at franzoni@uic.org

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